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The religious point of view:
"I do not understand anything about the universe, and I am to lazy to learn more about it, so I will just assume that some god controls it, and leave my fate in this authority, for which I have no proof exists, but the action of my wishing it to be so . . . is sufficient to make it so. And I am sanctioned by god to destroy anyone or anything that does not conform to that world view."
Copernicus, who considered the sun to be the center of the universe as opposed to the religious belief that the earth was the center of the universe, in his time waited until he was near death to publish his work, because he knew well the danger involved in promulgating ideas that might upset the insane parasites who did everything they could to hold on to power, . . . . the truth be damned . . . . it was a threat to their parasitic behavior, and therefore, they endeavored vigorously to suppress it.
They would prefer to kill the messenger who brings out any ideas that could possibly prevent these religious parasites from lining their pockets with the proceeds from the poor ignorant sheep whom they deceive. Parasitic behavior is not restricted to just the lower-level life forms in the natural environment. Kill the messenger who might actually help civilization progress . . . .
They insisted that EARTH was immobile, and the sun and the planets rotated around the earth. After all, GOD created the earth specifically for man! For centuries this point of view flourished, while at the same time people like Giordano Bruno, an Italian scientist who suggested that space might have no boundaries and that the solar system might be one of many such systems in the universe. (Something we know now to be true.) Bruno also speculated that there were infinite worlds in the universe with intelligent life, some that may be superior to our own . . . . but soon the Inquisition got word of his teachings, and he was tried and condemned for his "heretical beliefs" and burned at the stake in 1600 . . . . . . .
Christian benevolence . . .
The same parasites exist today, and they would be happy to institute the very same standards of yesterday, and willfully drag civilization back hundreds of years to a time when those who threaten their parasitic ways can be tried, condemned, and murdered. They already murder people in other countries whose ideology or culture does not happen to line up with theirs, and demonize any country that does not bow in reverence to their dogma . . . . it is but one step further to do the same within the country.

Archeus_Lore 7 Feb 14

Enjoy being online again!

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I find your words to be a magnificent portrait of Donald Trump and those who support him.


,,,agree- you may as well also consider them the ULTIMATE
source of all conspiracies(since fact doesn't matter to them)
Thier meddling in human thought processes bears the fruit they CHOOSE. Bruno was said to specifically denounce
the churches authority!!! AND why not...after all it was the realm of nature-- not a religious topic(overreach)!
Just to stay current -
-like today...-meddling in politics
WHY-_-hold sway and (try)to stay relevant.Truth will win🀝


Why not let those with a religious point of view speak for themselves rather than to put words into their mouths. They don’t all say the same thing, and many of them have been at the pinnacle of science. Are you saying that deeply religious Isaac Newton was too lazy to learn anything about the universe? According to a Pew poll, half the scientists in the US believe in some sort of higher power.

What many deeply religious people say is that the explanations given by science are superficial and do not explain things in an ultimate sense. If they speak of God, it is only a label for ultimate reality beyond our illusory sense-world. Ultimate reality is ineffable, profoundly mysterious and can not be understood in terms of objects moving in space and time. Deeply religious people feel that the most reasonable response to the staggering implications of the mysteries of reality is abject awe and reverence. Belief and disbelief are trivial personal emotions of little significance.

Your description of religion might apply in a limited number of cases, but at the same time, many of those who blather about science have no idea of what they are talking about either. It’s all about the same thing really.

β€œTry and penetrate with our limited means the secrets of nature and you will find that, behind all the discernible concatenations, there remains something subtle, intangible and inexplicable. Veneration for this force beyond anything that we can comprehend is my religion. To that extent I am, in point of fact, religious.” Albert Einstein

"Why not let those with a religious point of view speak for themselves rather than to put words into their mouths." Then you pretty much do the same thing yourself.

...I find 89% arrogant+11% deceitful. Not nice folks to
interact with.

@Archeus_Lore You can easily verify the religious expressions of great intellectuals such as Newton and Einstein. I don’t have to put words into their mouths.

@Archeus_Lore, @BBJong Maybe they feel the same way about you.

More fruitful would be an attitude of mutual respect and an attempt to find common ground.

By quoting either Newton or Einstein, you are generalizing, just as I did, and putting words in the mouth of certain types of believers. Call it what you like, but to me that is no different . . . .


By Jingy, you've got it.

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