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“It’s still a human life and it still deserves protection” but living women are just made out of clay I guess because our lives aren’t being considered at all. Love that for us.


1EarthLovingGal 7 Feb 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Until it is born, it is a parasite under the meaning of that term. Period. Where is all the wailing about those poor tapeworms...?


It's a tiny lump of uterus goo.


PURE FANTASY. The totally fake story that a clump of cells is a "human life" began when bible thumpers decided they could make money from it. Their own holy textbook says that life begins with the first breath.


Is this woman high on meth?... or just an idiot?

@1EarthLovingGal Sorry getting harder to tell one little bitch from another these days....

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