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Hey, everybody. Angry face is back. Cheers.

Fernapple 9 Feb 18

Enjoy being online again!

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I think the new angry face is even angrier than the old one. I like it πŸ™‚


I noticed, and I've already used it today.


Now the sad face is gone.
Who needs a 'meh' emoji? That's like no opinion. Why would anyone chime in that they have no opinion??

Its not gone it has just changed to a milder form,. Its the third one down.

@altschmerz No, I think that they have tried to make the site bland, and cut out any negativety. Which is just silly, if you don't let people express themselves on a social media site, then why would they come here at all.


Now we need a puke emoji and a thumbs down emoji.


Oh, good !

And of course here is one, with only the best of wishes of course.


Welcome back, give them hell

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 18, 2020

And of course here is one, with only the best of wishes of course.


Yay! πŸ˜ πŸ‘½πŸ‘»πŸ’©

And of course here is one, with only the best of wishes of course.

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