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If you ever come across someone trying to say atheists can't be good people because without religion they have no moral compass send them over to [] and ask them why it is they still think being religious is a prerequisite for being good. It's an eye opening laundry list of priests, pastors, clergy, and other religious flunkies behaving badly...

prometheus 7 Feb 18

Enjoy being online again!

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I have no time for aggressive pea-brained idiots who claim that you cannot be good without God.

Oh, and thank you for the link. 🙂


Religion has lost morals

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 18, 2020

Did religion ever have morals?


I expect there are also plenty of immoral atheists...but I take your point! Morality as we know has nothing to do with a belief in god, but is knowing right from wrong, a human understanding. Religions have stolen it and taken it as their own, and when any of them default and do wrong, they can always blame the devil for tempting them..very neat.

Yes that is most definitely true. Plenty of bad atheists - or probably atheists pretending to be theists. You know like the current occupant of the Whitehouse. Then again we'd only have to find one atheist who they agree is good to completely destroy their theory.

Let's shoot for their demographic and go with Pat Tillman who turned down stacks of money and fame as an NFL player, volunteered to serve in Afghanistan, and died doing it. Sure not all atheists would agree with serving in the military as good, but that Bible bashing Fox watching demographic - gonna have a hard time disputing it. Case closed.

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