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Trump is poised to wash Bernie Sanders' super dirty laundry so bad that the Democratic Party and Democrats will remember their traumatic loss 2020 for decades to come.

Trump has said openly many times since 2016 that "Bernie's nomination by the Democratic Party would be a dream come true."

Please know the truth about your candidates. Bernie is not how he is trying to sell you these days. Bernie has changed colors many many times in the past.

Bernie Sanders Praises Communist Cuba

St-Sinner 9 Feb 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Looks like you may have to vote for Trump...


skado Level 9 Feb 19, 2020

This is a primaries Euphoria. You know as well how it dies down in the general.

You know there something about love. When you have it, everything around you looks beautiful. The grass is greener, the sky is beautiful blue. Everything about your partner is beautiful. Vices are not noticed. You are in love with Bernie.

No truth I will will tell you will be acceptable to you. Don't worry. The time to do a post-martem is just 9 months away. They will begin dissecting what happened. I bet they will be very close to what I have been saying. One of the conclusions will be.... "Nominating Bernie knowing fully well he was a socialist and had a communist past, was a huge error."


People don’t campaign this hard against someone they think can’t win. You must be getting worried. (Feel the Bern!)

skado Level 9 Feb 19, 2020

Ha ha. a good guess. I am really worried about where this madness will take us. I see no place good.


tRump should be worried that if he is reelected that he might have a blue congress that would impeach him.

What if Democrats lose more seats in the Senate and the House. Is that not a possibility?

It could happen. But democrats come out in force for the president's election.

Do you know the Conservatives are pissed about impeachment and are very motivated to come out and vote Trump in again?


You grasp of reality is very fragile indeed. This time next year Lying Donald will be standing trial and Bernie will be saving this country as only he can.

I will be here after November 2020 when Bernie followers will be on the ground and are not hurting too badly to talk about it.

I hope y'all understand that you win American Presidency with electoral votes, and not with popular vote, right?

I said this because the Hillary fans are still claiming 4 years after a crushing defeat at the hands of reality TV start in 2016 that Hillary won because she won the popular vote. LOL.... Sadly, that is not how the elections work.

@St-Sinner I'd like to meet your dealer as I've never been that high, try as I might! I'm guessing you ate some purple rye bread? About a quarter loaf by the looks of it!

@uncle-ernie Ha. Ha.. None of that. You will find me brutally pragmatic. I a not a dreamer and that's why I can see clearly that Bernie will bring a mayhem if nominated.

This is what most likely happen if Bernie is nominated:

  1. Bernie will not be elected. Trump will floor him in the first debate.
  2. A lot of Democrats will stay home on the election day
  3. It will be a defeat for the history books
  4. The defeat lesson will be taught in political science class in Harvard
  5. Democrats will change parties in droves
  6. It will be embarrassing to be called a Democrat in streets
  7. The Republicans, religious right and religion will have a grip on Washington for the next 30 years.
  8. Our grandchildren will be saying morning Christian prayers in schools. Lessons on intelligent design would be text books and Darwin would be removed
  9. Government funding will increase to religion at home and abroad
  10. Anti-abortion will be the law of the land
  11. The religious right will call Trump's victory as the second coming of Jesus

Bernie is not even a Democrat. He should not be allowed to hijack the Democratic Party platform to seek the White House.We have plenty of good candidates in the wider Democratic Party. We do not need a candidate who does harm to the party with crazy, outlandish socialist policies and brand the entire party as socialist. The damage is already done. The DNC must change the rules.

@Mb_Man Therefore, I am voicing my agony of the far left extremists hijacking the party platform that he does not belong to.

@Mb_Man But we are in the U.S.


And this coming from mr 'truth.' I doubt anyone with half an ounce of sense will be fooled. Remember, this thing will say and do anything to get rid of his competitors and he has shown that simply fact many times. I also thing he is very scared as if he doesn't win 4 + years of total corruption will come out. The problem with corruption is that a little in the beginning will lead to more and more until the whole thing blows up on ones face.

Trump must be defeated by a Democrat or anybody else. But it is not going to be Bernie.

@St-Sinner I heard this morning Obama endorsed Bloomberg.

@JackPedigo I read about that too and Obama's ex campaign manager David Axelrod said Bloomberg is circulating Obama's praise of Bloomberg when he was the mayor of New York. Bloomberg is playing it up inaccurately.

Obama is not yet ready to endorse anyone yet.


Ugh. Another "socialist" fear-mongering? That is exactly what the ruling class wants you to believe, that somehow a socialist would come and take whatever little that you have left. While you are being screwed by the super-rich in subtle and not-so-subtle ways.

Are you familiar with what the U.S. has done to Cuba throughout its history? Want to put some historical perspective on your red-fear?

Start with this character, Fulgencio Batista.

Cuba is not my country and I do not care but I am not a communist and never will be. I care about the U.S. and I do not want communism here or a candidate who even remotely wants it here or even praises Cuba.


Wow. "I do not care." Exactly. You do not. You do not care to understand the world as it really is. You are quite comfortable in your distorted and borrowed worldview you'd rather hang on to it blindly and faithfully, without ever trying to understand the world that surrounds you.

"I do not care." That's what a 4-year-old says when told not to eat too much candy. I don't care about getting sick. It's my candy and I am going to eat it!

No one asked (or asks) you to be a communist. Bernie is not asking you to be a communist. Hell, he isn't even a socialist. He is a mild progressive who believes that the capitalist economic system must be regulated, which is not a radical concept, as that is what we have been doing more or less. Remember FDR?

When you say you "care about the U.S." do you even know what that means? Do you think we stand alone in the world? Do you think Castro was some historical accident?

What does it mean to say someone "remotely" wants communism in the U.S.? Does that mean praising any sort of regulation of the market? Does that mean praising a co-op enterprise? Does that mean wanting socialized healthcare? Equitable educational opportunities?

Cuba has done a lot that deserves praise. Learn about the world first, unless you are one of those "MAGA" crowd who blabbers about "American Exceptionalism."

@AtheistReader What does Cuba mean to me when I do not live there and I do not like it. There are over 230 countries in the world, I do not live there. The U.S. is my nation and I care about here. But I certainly do not want a candidate to be president who goes to communist countries and praises them. We are a democratic country run on capitalism... Controlled Capitalism. Bernie is just bad news for Democrats. He will bring a mayhem and failures with his madness.

@St-Sinner What are you, a white nationalist? Or just a nationalist who happens to be white?

I am not white and love my country. But not a nationalist although I used Swastikas all the time during my childhood at community occasions, religious festivals, auspicious events etc. Is that bad?

@St-Sinner I don't know. You tell me whether it was bad or not. So not a nationalist but just a person starving for attention who finds comfort and belonging in crude jingoism?

@AtheistReader No, I am just a truth teller. I am informing American voters everywhere about the truths about candidates, especially about Bernie. Please do not stop me.

@St-Sinner Stop you? God no. I don't try to stop the Christians from spreading their "truths," and I won't try to stop you from spreading yours. But I am also going to call out bullshit when I see it. Good luck with your Swastikas at community occasions and auspicious events.

@seenoevil9620 You have very low expectations. You want a less bad candidate instead of Trump? Or somebody much better?


Don't worry, Klobuchar will be nominated on the third ballot, and it will be a close election between her and Trump. The Democrats are evil and crazy, but not crazy enough to nominate Bernie.

Thank you. Please spread the word and speak up to save the Democracy and Democratic Party in 2020.

@St-Sinner I'd love to see the Democratic party go down the drain, but I am an honest and accurate analyst. If Bernie isn't nominated on the first ballot, he won't be nominated.


There you go again posting nothing of substance, you're nothing but a russian/trump troll. The video does not "praise" Castro. We're on to your antics dude.

Castro is Cuba and Cuba is Castro. Nothing happened in Cuba for 50 years without a nod from Castro. How far would you go to defend the mistakes of your candidate? What is your tolerance level? A super humiliating defeat by Trump in 2020?

@Bierbasstard the video says Castro printed in big letters or can't you read?

@St-Sinner good luck with your lies trolling Bernie, we're unto you comrade!

@Mofo1953 I am giving a direct source of information, Bernie's own words in a video. Isn't that truth enough? What will be enough? A disaster for Democrats in 2020?

@St-Sinner there's nothing in the video that can be considered super dirty laundry, comrade. But we do have videos of Trump kissing real communists that are alive right now like his puppet master Putin, Kim Jong Un whom he "fell in love with" and Xi Jinping, the president for life who is Trump's great friend and grantor of chinese trademarks to daughter Ivanka. That is real not Bernie talking historic facts about Cuba, Kennedy and Nixon not Castro who is very dead and has been for years. Please go away, da?


What will convince you that Bernie is a communist at heart? Can this help? []

@St-Sinner go troll gullible people, comrade. You send proof by posting some other crap you posted? Don't make me laugh. Have you heard of McCarthyism in Russia? Didn't work here then neither will it work now.

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