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It seems like I fell foul of something I'm allergic too. I still don't know what which is concerning. maybe it was the picture of trump I looked at as that always hurts my eyes.

LeighShelton 8 Feb 20

Enjoy being online again!

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  1. Do you have other allergies? If not, review what new chemically reactive materials might be in your environment (new soap? change in cleaning agents? squashed bug? pet contact? new alcoholic drink? new dishware? mail? exposure to something dusty). Do you think it was contact dermatitis?
  2. Did you figure what caused this outbreak?

no, but I haven't changed anything and it hasn't come back.


That happens to me when something on my hands gets in my eyes. Also happens when I use lotion too close to my eyes. Clears up quickly,, but looks terrible. Glad it's better.

I think its something ive touched joking aside as ive had hives before which is eating something your allergic too and that looks like stinging nettle rash all over and really itches.I just wish I knew what xx.


Allergy to something take benadryl then see Dr

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 20, 2020

its already sorted but thanks


Holy crap! What did you eat!

I didn't, I woke up like this xx


Have you seen your doctor about this?

How can he? He says his eyes aren't working!

who said that? lol. yes, the last picture is my eyes better.

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