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This is worth a listen. I have copied it from the Progressie and Socialist group here.

ToolGuy 9 Feb 24

Enjoy being online again!

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I appreciate Moore's endorsement of Bernie and the surrogate work he's done in this campaign, but it's sad to see that Moore has been reduced from making popular movies and even once having popular network TV shows to now having just a podcast. I guess most of it has to do with media censorship, but the rest of it has to do with him becoming irrelevant in many ways from the current political game.


It is a far stretch to glorify Bernie Sanders. The Progressives group has only one-track mind. They are hopefuls, dreamers but do not have an ounce of pragmatism. They are out of touch with what happens and what is most likely to happen on the ground. They are just idealogues.

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