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Wow. the Putin-pro-Trump FB gestapo is out in full force today.

This was reported just a few minutes ago....

to be spam.

It's clearly not.

I've protested...but it seems they ignore protests of the decision.

watch for yourself and decide.

Robecology 9 Feb 29

Enjoy being online again!

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The trump gang continues its rule. Sad for all of us.


The right wing oligarch criminals, such as blumberg, trump, and putin, have little or no interest in anything except power to increase their grandeur (in their mind) and enrich themselves. Almost every politician and many businessman falls into that category. They want things to be unchanged after they occupy a bent niche, except to increase their own assets. They hide bad news for fear of losing their niche or any part thereof. Thus, Pence is cronovirus tzar, and the administration is trying to suppress information about it.

You responded, I'll ask you further; Who would be the person reporting this? Who would go to such lengths to lie about this video? Why hide this...or why hide me for trying to report it?

Do you suspect a
-Putin-Russian Bot
-pro-Trump fanatic
-someone else....maybe someone who personally dislikes my posts?

I'm determined to figure this posts were totally legit.

@Robecology It's my opinion based on observations. AFAIK there is no conspiracy, just selfish individuals competing for the most loot. They may do anything to stay in power. FB is caught in the spotlight, and distracts the public. Whether plan or coincidence, it has been used.

What's to dislike about your post? I'm angry at most politicians and corporate executives, including media executuves. I do not doubt you are posting accurately.

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