“Cosmic String” Gravitational Waves Could Solve Antimatter Mystery
Physicists suspect spacetime ripples could explain why the universe is made of matter
On cosmology, FF, the magazine is Pseudoscientificamerican.
[citation needed]
@FearlessFly The current edition. I saw it this morning at my local public library. It too has an article that’s not compatible with the scientific method. I don’t send such stuff to long term memory so I’m unable to tell you the title.
Would you like a cite for the word “pseudoscience”?
@yvilletom . . . your original comment was stated as fact, not opinion -- hence the citation 'request'
@FearlessFly A “citation” identifies a source of information, such as a book’s title and the page where the info or opinion is. A “quotatiion” is the information. Do you want the information, the opinion?