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#unpopularopinion COVID-19 is overrated among all other viruses in these days, stop the discrimination. It's a new creation of nature, let's celebrate that and embrace it! #hatefreeculture #nohate #sorryforyourloss #thatslife

KateB 3 Mar 4

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Ten people died in my state last week. I am 65 and have a heart condition and copd.
Ask me if I think you are funny?

Even at your age, if you are not in china (or maybe north or italy) you are more likely to have complications for at least a dozen of other diseases. Corona is not a big thing YET.

@Pedrohbds Yet? Do you expect it will go away anytime soon? Are you aware of the rate of expansion?

@PondartIncbendog it is expanding less than the common flu exactly because governments are containing it. Plus, people taking care against corona is delaying other diseases also.

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