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Two more pieces for the gallery. Which one do you prefer?

PondartIncbendog 8 Mar 5

Enjoy being online again!

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I love the bowl.. Is it food safe?

I don't know. But the way I cook the food isn't safe.


Just beautiful work, awesome , wish I could afford them

I don't charge much for my work. They are all under 200.00

@PondartIncbendog when I was working yes retired not so much

@bobwjr Maybe you should take up woodturning. Its very enjoyable, the wood is free and you can sell your pieces? I get about thirty dollars an hour for working at my leisure.


Ditto what @Marionville said. They're both beautiful but I love the coloration in the bowl

Nature provided the colors. I'm thinking about making one with the design of the commenters.
I will start with a basic idea and go from there with guidance from followers.


They’re both lovely...but I prefer the vase.

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