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I am on Facebook for professional reasons, this under another identity. How do you deal with the dimwits that make personal attacks on you on Facebook?

anglophone 9 Mar 5

Enjoy being online again!

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I can ignore the dimwits but the really smart ones are hard on the ego

I like the way you put it.


Block and move on. Not worth wasting mental energy unless it happens to be a real person you know that you can't do that to because of work or whatever. I find real acquaintances rarely do that, even if we don't see eye to eye.

Report to Facebook if it is out of line or admin if it's a group. Be careful reporting to Facebook if it is a group because it can get the group shut down rather than the troll. It's a common tactic to infiltrate groups you don't like and to bad things in order to get the group shutdown. Theists do it to atheist groups and probably vice versa..

MsAl Level 8 Mar 5, 2020

Thanks. The admins are keeping a close eye on the two dimwits who happen to be trying to goad me at the moment. One of the dimwits might get booted off shortly. The other dimwit is herself an admin, but her fellow admins might also soon boot her off.

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