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Their God is a jerk

ADKSparky 8 Mar 5

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That will be the same god that sent the Australian bushfires because he disapproved of the government legalising gay marriage.


Just exactly how do they know this?

Answer: they ("they" being the dangerous delinquents that organise and run the Westboro Baptist Church) cannot know it. Moreover, they will use any excuse in their absurd attempts to terrorise other people into accepting their own vile beliefs.


How stupid!

How Westboro Baptist! 😉

@p-nullifidian Why does that creepy outfit get to call itself a church of any kind? It’s not a real Baptist Church.

I see they have video security. I don’t doubt but they feel scared, and for good reason.

@WilliamFleming It wouldn't be much of an issue if they kept to themselves, but they shamelessly picket funerals for servicemen and women, sites of mass shootings and Jewish centers with cruel, vulgar and bigoted signs, sometimes held by their children. Just do a Google images search on 'Westboro Baptist church signs,' and prepare to be nauseated.

@p-nullifidian I just remembered a short story by Albert Camus, maybe called *The Plague• . In the book a young Catholic priest attributed the plague to God’s punishment for sin. He changed his tune when he himself became ill.

This Coronavirus is nothing like the plague. We modern folk must not be sinning all that bad.

@p-nullifidian Yeah, I’ve read it and once is enough. It’s nauseating alright! As I recall the founder has no credentials as a minister.

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