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Amerika, circa 2020. The problems are well known, and neither party, outside of someone like Bernie or Warren, is proposing solutions. This reality is why people will vote for someone like Trump. I think Bernie would have won had he run in 2016. Hillary and the Democratic/Corporocratic establishment did this to us.


Mitch07102 8 Mar 6

Enjoy being online again!

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It is hard to swallow but if Bernie was nominated in 2016, the following would have been more possible:

  1. He would not have been elected. Trump would have floored him in the first debate.
  2. A lot of Democrats would have stayed home on the election day
  3. It would have been a defeat for the history books
  4. The defeat lesson would have been taught in political science class in Harvard
  5. Democrats would change parties in droves
  6. It would have been embarrassing to be called a Democrat
  7. The Republicans, religious right and religion would have a grip on Washing ton for the next 30 years.
  8. Our children would be saying morning Christian prayer in schools. Lessons on intelligent design would be text books and Darwin would be removed
  9. Government funding would have increased to religion at home and abroad
  10. Anti-abortion would be the law of the land
  11. The religious right would have called it the second coming of Jesus

Yes, I agree.


Corporations, if anything, favor Republicans more than Democrats, but often hedge-bets by donating to both parties. Just like the RNC disallowing any opposition to Trump on primary ballots, the DNC can pick favorites as well. It is the voters who ultimately choose.

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