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I have no idea whether the cost of the test is this high or not but I love the solution.

Lorajay 9 Mar 7

Enjoy being online again!

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According to USAToday, "The U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized the use of two tests, one from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and one from the New York State Department of Public Health. Neither agency charges patients for the test."

The $3,270 number comes from a meme with questionable origins.


I think that's bullshit, because a flu test isn't that much. That means poor people will choose not to have the test done.


Cough on the doctor lol

Then make an appointment for next week, see if he cancels 😜


If rich people started getting infected, we would see a completely different response to the crisis. As it is, this crisis is a great argument for single payer. If I were infected, I would love to start coughing on rich people if I could find any in my area...


Funny but might work


Good plan. If you do have it they will tell you to stay home and wash your hands. (and pray?) Ha haa...


That one way to get the obstructionist republican fascist to react to their hoax!!!

Love it, medical care for all!!!



I am So loving this!

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