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With airlines cancelling flights, and with people in general being less inclined to travel out to events, plus factories reducing output, it will be interesting to see the world's CO2 emmission figures in a month's time.
Maybe a microscopically small virus can achieve what mighty macro governments cannot manage.

Petter 9 Mar 11

Enjoy being online again!

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My local Humanist group just canceled all our meeting and events for the next 2 months.

Send em here 🙂


"The effect of coronavirus is so extreme you can see it from space
As COVID-19 spreads, the dramatic effect it is having on industry and travel is clearing the skies of CO2 emissions."


MsAl Level 8 Mar 11, 2020

It truly is a situation of Nature fighting back..

Varn Level 8 Mar 11, 2020
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