7 3

Wow I thought the toilet paper hording was an Australia thing!

MsAl 8 Mar 12

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm stocking up on toothpicks and qtips


Wal-Mart same here

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 12, 2020

Thank heavens for my bidet.


What the hell is wrong with people. without anymore shopping i can survive for at least 6 weeks without having to shop anywhere except the gas station if power is cut off and I am not a prepper.


I just got back from Kroger's, Wal-Mart, and Tom Thumb, and that looks like a glut compared to them. No toilet paper, a few remaining tissues, and a lady was packing up about 8 of the last packages of paper towels. People are scary.


I'm hoarding coffee, Truvia, and powdered coffee creamer.

The absolute essentials...everything else, I can wing it

Damn, I forgot all about the powdered coffee creamer!

@Lauren I like canned evaporated weird ingredients.

@AnneWimsey Better yet! I'm adding it to my next shopping list. Thanks!

@AnneWimsey I like it but I can't finish a can before it turns sour.


There's a lot more in that photo than Kroger had near us. Pretty much all gone. Two 4-packs left, I think.

Zster Level 8 Mar 12, 2020
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