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For A New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto chapter 3-

SpikeTalon 9 Mar 14

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Libertarianism is the ultimate"Screw you, I've got mine" philosophy. t is freedom for the wealthy and the powerful and hell on earth for everybody else. Every Third World dictatorship starts out as a libertarian anti-big government movement. Then the guy with the most guns becomes the next "government".

What meaningless unintelligible dribble, nothing but ranting on. Socialism is the ultimate slavery, just enough to the sheep to keep them satisfied and be sure to keep them in near poverty their whole lives. How's socialism working out for you? Is your life worry free, while you work hard to earn a living only to get a good portion of your earnings taken from you in unfair taxes. Don't complain though just keep falling in line like a good boy. I've wasted enough time on you already.

@SpikeTalon Unfair taxes keep the schools open, the roads fixed and plowed and libraries available. "fair" taxes let people die because they can't afford insulin and massive debts for our grandchildren. Oh yeah, those taxes take care of the coronavirus response.Libertarians would just let the sick de off to reduce the surplus population.

@RonWilliam53 The Democrats want to sell sick people off in the name of overpopulation, which is supposedly warming the planet at fast pace. I'm not against all taxes but are opposed to unnecessary hikes, and everyone of those points you mentioned above there are widespread abuses occuring and taxpayer dollars are being needlessly wasted. Your comment on the insulin is truly ignorant. I'm a Type 1 Diabetic and reliant on insulin to survive, and my insurance (private insurance that is) covers me just fine, I don't pay excess. That would probably change if we ever turn healthcare over to the government as Sanders proposed, then the government could dictate who gets to live and die based on what would be best for collective society or the environment. Obviously you fear knowledge and know nothing about Libertarianism, stop wasting my time with your projectionist arguments.


I've been asked that question multiple times before and my answer is always the same. First of all, when you promise people things like "free" college education and healthcare, just exactly what incentive is there for people to turn down such things? The answer is, they don't or won't turn down such as they see potential for them to benefit in some way. The other thing is, the people in positions of power in governments around the world don't really want the people they are supposed to be serving to have that much individual liberty. It is far easier to control the masses if you promise them things that of which they want to hear. So the answer to that question is simple, the libertarian vision has not been recognized on a large scale as it affords too much individual liberty to the people and less government control, and less government control equals the politicians (or anyone in positions of power) not having all the say in matters. Don't believe me? Look at what's happening right now in the Democrat Party, the will of the D voters has been support behind Sanders, yet the establishment is exerting its power by pushing Biden, and of course ultimately those on the left will come to support Biden should he become the DP nominee. The point is, the will of the people is being suppressed there, and no one is seriously challenging such and why is that? You guessed it, libertarianism is absent on the political left and those in positions of power are having their way yet again. I implore you and anyone else who may come across this post to keep an open mind on what I just said, and perhaps you might realize what I mentioned has some merit to it. I know this much, there are an ever growing amount of people in the US who are getting sick and tired of the way things are, all time record number of those with clinical depression, and that is no mere coincidence. The libertarians are rising gradually, and the control freaks of this world are concerned and will stop at nothing to keep the masses in the dark.

@SpikeTalon Why would people turn down free health care just because they didn't need it?Or free post secondary education (you do know primary and secondary education is free, right?) when they had no interest? What a stupid question. Somebody gonna go sit in Emergency because they've got nothing better to do? Maybe you think they'll be wanting unnecessary surgery-"hey doc,my golf outing was cancelled, how about taking out my gall bladder instead?" tell ya hat-instead of inventing boogey men, why not do some research on what is ACTUALLY happening in the real world?

@RonWilliam53 . . . that word 'free' -- I think it is too-often misused : 😛

@SpikeTalon You do understand that what is happening in the Dem Party,as happens in every party for every nomination, is the majority wins, right? In Libertarianland, this wouldn't be an issue-if you disagreed with the majority they'd expel you. At the minimum. But what would the Libertarian response to Covid 19 be? Let the old die quickly?

@RonWilliam53 Most of what you said was incoherant rambling, and stop making crude assumptions. Regarding letting the old die quickly part, what makes you think the Democrats truly care about them? Need I remind you it is the Democrats who are for assisted suicide and they are the ones who constantly complain about the world being overpopulated. With that in mind, what makes you think The Dems truly care about that issue? The Libertarian Party was never given a fair chance to prove themselves yet, so how do you know that they would be the same as other political parties? Like I said, most of what you mentioned was nothing more than rants and nothing constructive, and I've already wasted enough of my time responding to you, you can't reason with anyone who makes crude assumptions.

@SpikeTalon Isn't assisted suicides a Libertarian demand, just like gay rights, drug use and legal abortion? Personal choices and all that? And, for the record, no matter how much you religious whackjobs say it, contraception isn't murder. I'm sorry you can't answer these questions. Apparently your understanding of what libertarianism entails is lacking.Libertarianism has been given a chance-it always devolves into dictatorship. Even the hippies couldn't make it work. Your belief in the innate goodness of people is belied by history.

@RonWilliam53 Oh, now I don't understand what Libertarianism is in your opinion? No, I'm afraid you don't understand what it is and you failed to get the point I tried to make. Yes, when it comes to social based issues the Dems and Libertarians agree, but the Dems were for those issues long before the LP. What the fuck you babbling on about contraception? I'm pro choice and don't think abortion is murder, there you go assuming again. I'm not religious either. That's what you people do when you lose an argument, make wild assumptions? The dictators of this world fear libertarianism and make sure it doesn't gain any traction. Name me one country that is totally libertarian, you can't and that's because power mongers make sure it hasn't gained much traction. On the contrary, systems like communism and socialism have always devolved into dictatorships that take advantage of others. I never said nor do I believe people are inherently good, there you go assuming yet again.

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