For A New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto chapter 3-
Libertarianism is the ultimate"Screw you, I've got mine" philosophy. t is freedom for the wealthy and the powerful and hell on earth for everybody else. Every Third World dictatorship starts out as a libertarian anti-big government movement. Then the guy with the most guns becomes the next "government".
@SpikeTalon Unfair taxes keep the schools open, the roads fixed and plowed and libraries available. "fair" taxes let people die because they can't afford insulin and massive debts for our grandchildren. Oh yeah, those taxes take care of the coronavirus response.Libertarians would just let the sick de off to reduce the surplus population.
@SpikeTalon Why would people turn down free health care just because they didn't need it?Or free post secondary education (you do know primary and secondary education is free, right?) when they had no interest? What a stupid question. Somebody gonna go sit in Emergency because they've got nothing better to do? Maybe you think they'll be wanting unnecessary surgery-"hey doc,my golf outing was cancelled, how about taking out my gall bladder instead?" tell ya hat-instead of inventing boogey men, why not do some research on what is ACTUALLY happening in the real world?
@RonWilliam53 . . . that word 'free' -- I think it is too-often misused :
@SpikeTalon You do understand that what is happening in the Dem Party,as happens in every party for every nomination, is the majority wins, right? In Libertarianland, this wouldn't be an issue-if you disagreed with the majority they'd expel you. At the minimum. But what would the Libertarian response to Covid 19 be? Let the old die quickly?
@SpikeTalon Isn't assisted suicides a Libertarian demand, just like gay rights, drug use and legal abortion? Personal choices and all that? And, for the record, no matter how much you religious whackjobs say it, contraception isn't murder. I'm sorry you can't answer these questions. Apparently your understanding of what libertarianism entails is lacking.Libertarianism has been given a chance-it always devolves into dictatorship. Even the hippies couldn't make it work. Your belief in the innate goodness of people is belied by history.