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DevilMayCare 7 Mar 14

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Obama had charisma, youth ...and a message of Hope. The guy behind now has neither 😟

Varn Level 8 Mar 15, 2020

Nope, just the vision that has inspired all the others, except Bloomberg. Ever been to YouTube & watched him explaining his ideas for a better life for the working person, and how to pay for it, consistently for 30 years? And how $15/hour & Medicare for All is now mainstream, thanks to him? Annd No other politician who has been so steadfast, so caring, so on-point as to what We The Prople need..xcept maybe FDR.I'll wait right here........

@AnneWimsey He’s the best we’ve got … straight out of retirement to save the nation. It’s not his fault the nation pays more attention to ‘reality shows’ than reality..

The more you’ve done, the more you’ve negotiated … the more there is to clobber you with.. It’s why fewer Senators and more Governors have been elected President. It’s near impossible for long-time government officials to defend votes, even comments that - at the time - furthered other legislation - ultimately moving us forward.

What’s really wrong, though - are those lacking the guts to take on the Republican Party … yet eat their own within the only party that tolerates them.

@Varn "straight out of retirement"????? Your ignorance is Appalling!

@AnneWimsey ..and yur just weird 😕 Wish I could help, but it appears that train’s left the station ~

@Varn explain "straight out of retirement" and I will, duuuuuuh

@AnneWimsey ...after eight years a dignified, loyal Vice President, Joe decided not to take on Hillary - it was her time, and she was the best candidate (I’d backed her over Obama to the end, then voted Obama in that primary). Joe’s not been back from the Senate, or doing janitorial work…

Joe’s back because no prominent Democrat moderate was willing to run against the ever-running Bernie.. Not because he wanted to; he’s a Statesman ~


Obama was a lot smoother and ruthless than Bernie. He also did not have the party and media working against him, at least not like what is being done this time to Bernie. I am not hopeful.....

The covid-19 pandemic also is having an effect. Primaries are being postponed. Georgia has postponed it from March 24 to May.

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