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I am making a public service announcement. Personal PSA: I heard this on NPR's Science Friday while driving 649 miles on Friday. When we all wash our clothing, and we should, washing temperature does not matter, so just wash normally, BUT, be sure to use a dryer. Hot for thirty (30) minutes. Someone asked, "What about drying outdoors, in the Sun, do the rays kill the virus?" Answer: "No, unless, maybe, out in the Arizona desert in the summer. Maybe."

Beowulfsfriend 9 Mar 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Detergent inactivates enveloped viruses like corona. High heat +/- bleach is also needed for tougher bugs (nonenveloped viruses, sporulating bacteria and fungi, etc...). CDC recommendations are linked, above.

Zster Level 8 Mar 15, 2020

Does not ultraviolet light instantly break down viruses? I suppose there’d be shaded areas, even on a clothesline.. So where’d ya drive, to yur secret bunker 🙂

Varn Level 8 Mar 15, 2020

That was asked and the medical professional said no.

@Beowulfsfriend That’s strange, because some super fancy ‘ultraviolet’ hand dryers I’ve been using are said to destroy the microbes the washing process may have missed.. I’ve assumed sunlight would do even better 😕

@maturin1919 ..I’d also heard (likely Science Friday on NPR) that the ultraviolet spectrum within sunlight ‘instantly destroys viral packets.’ I’d recently placed an ‘ultraviolet filter’ on a shallow spring/ well system that supposedly purified the water in the same way, and assumed viruses would be included in that purification.. The nurse purchasing the home insisted on that system…


I heard that too on NPR.

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