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The double standards are real :/ And this refers to socialization trends, your personal, individual anecdotes may vary. 🙂

demifeministgal 8 Mar 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Was the primary caregiver from birth for two girls, homeschooled a bit, too. Raised them as humans, no gender differences necessary. Worked fantastic! They were ‘boy magnets,’ for more than looks.. Have found magnificent partners, and have plenty (if not most) of the say within their relationships. College graduates, impressive jobs, and still young.

As mentioned elsewhere … the gender divide may be another form of human population control. I also volunteered bigtime in classrooms, going on to work within them. It was amazing how easy it was to read the boys, they hide little. Brilliant, lovable and loving entities under constant attack for the deeds of previous generations ..and cultures around the globe. Tragic, an issue even their mother’s are reluctant to admit..

Yes, it’s become an agenda for ‘progressive women.’ And, a definite form of birth control. Sad, a nation that’s learned to limit reproduction, loses it all over ..what, vanity, misguided retribution, envy, spite, insecurity..? Glad mine were raised right, but feel very sorry for the rest..

Varn Level 8 Mar 15, 2020

WTF are you even rambling about by the end there? You need a tinfoil hat? XD

@demifeministgal If you don’t get it, either you’ve chosen not to, or can’t.. I’d guess the former…

@Varn OR, educated women are making INFORMED smart decisions and choosing not to have kid(s). Not because of some agenda, but because there is literally no benefits to reproducing like rabbits in a society with a motherhood gap, with pregnancy effects lasting for a lifetime AND in a society that is going to hell anyways. Nope can't be that. Breeders think it is some agenda as they thoughtlessly and carelessly pop out kids as if they need to repopulate the earth. Guess what? Your genes are not that special that you needed to procreate.


Too true, on behalf of men in general an myself, I apologize. Maybe times are changing. 🤷

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