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A simple COVID-19 diagnosis chart - because sometimes we just have a cold or the flu during the cold and flu season.

Surfpirate 9 Mar 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Due to overactive eosinophiles [] I am sensitive to allergens like dust mites, pollen and so on. An occasional dry cough and a constant runny nose is normal. Good chart and I will save it.


I don't know how your country is handling it (WAY better I'm sure) but in America those who should stay home can not afford to miss a pay check. Of course with business shutting down many of those workers are now in serious trouble. I'm sure the world is hoping anyone but trump gets to sit in the WH after 2020.

I believe the government is making funds available for anyone who needs it in order to self isolate. In the long run it is the cheapest solution to this virus, Canadians are generally nice but also pragmatic.

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