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I'm hoping that as people on this site become ill they'll post about it here. I hope no one gets sick but we have to be realistic and keep each other informed.

Novelty 8 Mar 17

Enjoy being online again!

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I think it is a safe bet that some of us will catch this virus...this is a good idea @Novelty.

All of us will be exposed to the virus. The only question is when, and how sick will we be. I don't think there is good insight yet into whether one can get it more than one time.

At least one person did.

@skado Was it confirmed that they definitely did get it twice?

That was my understanding, but I didn't pursue verification.


I'm healthy, although a psychiatrist might disagree!


I'm feeling 💯 %%


I don't get sick (No cold, flu, etc. in over twenty years) so am quick to notice if I don't feel my usual, energetic self. A couple of weeks ago for four or five days I felt just a bit off, which manifested itself primarily in sleeping a little longer than usual, and a bit of fatigue. That was all. Covid? Possibly, who knows?

Should get tested.


I have asthma and allergies. I'm not sick, but the reaction of people around me when I cough or sneeze or even sniffle, priceless. I know why they are hording the TP. I suspect they are keeping it on their person for when they $hit themselves anytime somebody coughs (btw, it is cherry blossom time here in the DC area).


I started feeling sick about 5 weeks ago, various symptoms at different times.

Right now for the past few weeks, it's just been pain in the lungs. From what I've heard, covid sometimes brings a bacterial infection to the lungs.

You need to get tested.

I agree, you should see if you can get tested. Similar to me, and I wonder if I had it, but I will never know, since I didn't qualify at the time for testing. I have fully recovered, and feel great now, after feeling the congestion in my lungs would never go away. It finally did - it took a good 8 weeks until I was 100% feeling healthy and strong.

I've been to the hospital a bunch of times. They won't test me because I don't have all the symptoms on every list of symptoms.


Doing well no symptoms

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 18, 2020

My son just became ill with chills and muscle pains. No difficulty or shortness of breath. Hard to figure if it's common flu or the corvus 19.

What age?

@Marionville 44

@rogueflyer He will probably recover well from it if he does have it...young and fit! Time will tell..keeping fingers crossed for him.

@Marionville Thank you Marionville. He seems a little better today.


What a lovely thought. You stay healthy.

Makes sense to me

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