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Breaking News! National Day Of Prayer Fails, Coronavirus Crisis Continues trump and billy graham have pulled out the big guns and asked for god's help to control corvus19 and who would have known, it has failed.


rogueflyer 8 Mar 18

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Well, the Chief Buffoon had to do something to shore up his support base!


Scott Morrison the Australian PM is a Christian and Boris Johnson in UK is a Buffoon.

Neither, however, how sunk to this level of desperation for vote winning or public support.

I can’t imagine what Angela, the leader of the ‘free’ world is thinking!

If the fool gets re-elected America is screwed.


Oh no... What do we do now? Pray more or wash our hands? Such a difficult decision!


I asked Barney the Dinosaur, that didn't work either, troubling isn't it.


No kidding

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 18, 2020

No shock there.


No wonder America is becoming the laughing stock of the world when this nonsense prevails.

Would you invest in this absurdity? “Oh look Joe, profitability is tumblin’ like Jagger’s dice!”

“Now don’t you be a-worryin’ yerself there Slim. I gut this ‘ere prayer machine from that nice Mr Trump fellah. He says it cures all yer ills”


Dog Damn! Just when I think I’ve had my fill of this place (and it of me) - I read ‘a Headline’ so damned hilarious ..I burst out laughing .. wondering if my neighbor heard me ..then go looking for more. Thanks 😉

Varn Level 8 Mar 18, 2020
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