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I have self isolated since Trump took office. I was prepared for a disaster. My friends thought I was overreacting. But who's overreacting now? I'm never coming out again. I have enough dog food to last for years.

PondartIncbendog 8 Mar 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Trump's election was the original disaster.
Wouldn't you like to eat something occasionally besides dog food? 🙂


Good point

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 24, 2020

The word I posted today in the Uncommon Word group describes you pretty accurately then....perspicacious! I’m afraid I didn’t stock up on enough cat food and although I’ve plenty of human food, I’m soon going to have to go out to find some for my two perspicacity!

Uncommon words? As in intermittent, infrequent or nobility.

@Petter All of the above and much much more,

@Marionville Vlei? I used to fly model gliders over the vlei.

@Petter Yes...that would fit our group pretty well...why don’t you join us?

@Marionville Link?

@Petter Go to my profile page and scroll down the groups I belong to and you will find it...then click on it and join.

@Marionville Done it.

@Petter Glad you’s a great group. I have posted a word every day since I joined the group almost 2 years ago. I do It alphabetically, been through the alphabet several times over and am finding it harder to think of new words I haven’t used before, but they are all words from my own knowledge of vocab. Having to delve deep into the recesses of my knowledge at times now!

@Marionville Tackie, as in plimsoll?

@Petter Never heard a primsoll called that...but they call them “gutties” here in Northern Ireland, something I’d never heard of until I came here to live. It of course comes from gutta-percha which is an anglicised version of the Malay word for rubber.

@Marionville The word is, apparently, known in Limerick. It was common in Kenya.


@Petter I wonder why it’s only used in Limerick...never heard it around here, but it’s 230 miles from here...that’s probably why!


You’ve been self-isolating since Trump took office? How truly odd. How does that make any sense?

I live in a county where WS is common. I'm half asian.

@PondartIncbendog What is WS?

@Apunzelle White supremacy.

@PondartIncbendog Oooh, gotcha. 😒


Is it tastier than cat food? I'm thinking of making some cheap pies ..... ... 😋😋😋🤣


...I’ve had to watch it some the middle of a pandemic, it seems I’m having too much fun(!). Social Isolation is my preference 🙂 I’ve jars of canned salmon from Oregon, grew up on the stuff.. And loads of people food. Perishables first, though. F - trump 😀

Varn Level 8 Mar 23, 2020
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