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Glenn Beck says the oldies should go to work because the economy is more important than their lives. What do you believe?


ToolGuy 9 Mar 25

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I can’t believe anyone still listens to Glenn Beck.


So the old people go to work, get the coronavirus, then come home and give it to their young family members. Where's the solution?


I don’t know who he is but I would suggest he has no idea of the conditions that are causing the isolations. Perhaps the American economy should roll over and die and then rebuild itself on more ethical and inclusive principles.

That would be a more appropriate gift to leave the next generations. The oligarchs and neoliberalists have fucked over their future. Perhaps it’s time for them to open their arms or fuck off and let America rebuild itself on the principles that the Founding Fathers foresaw. This time without slavery!

@ToolGuy Thanks. He won’t be getting his hands dirty on the front line then!


I believe Glenn should be put to work in a COVID-19 factory without any safety equipment.


I believe my dad is more important than his concern over his stock portfolio.


I deeply believe he should be lynched ASAP!

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