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How much interest is there in starting a group for Spoonies? I’ll create one if there’s enough people that will join.

PeppermintDreads 7 Apr 1

Enjoy being online again!

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I'd be interested in it.


At first I thought spoonies were people who liked to spoon under the moon. That term is even old for us old farts.


I have two health issues I'm currently treating with dietary changes, herbs, and cannabis oil.


I have fibromyalgia and arthritis. I run out of spoons frequently, but I got a great recliner and have become a champion napper. I wouldn’t mind not having either, but even so, life is good. My friends say that I see the good in everything.

I lost a few spoons today. I had to cut the dosage of one of my pills, and my all of my joints are screaming. I took medical marijuana at 12:30ish, and one of the wonders of taking all of my pain away is that I sleep for a while. I was driving my guest to the airport when POW! All of my joints started yelling. Fuck them


What’s that?



Spoonies. I don't think I have ever heard that term...but I totally get it now that someone explained it. I think there are a lot of people with chronic illness on the site and the site will hopefully continue to grow and there will be even more people that can identify.

I agree with @ailurophile. If you build it, they will come.


My first thought was Cardassians, but then I remembered... I think if you build it, they will come.

It would be far more interesting than most of the discourse on this site.


I feel there would be, I am not affecetd directly myself, but so many people I know have "nana naps".

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