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On day 7 - borrowed from fbuk - LMAO

FrayedBear 9 Mar 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Damn. I've only got an electric drill. ....
..... Might work, though.

A paint stripping heat gun on max heat could also be interesting particularly if plastic surgery has been involved?


When I read on day 7 I thought it was going to be a god joke. HAHAHAHAHAHA No it's a gun joke.

Only in America, Israel & Afghanistan?

@FrayedBear I am not one of them but Amurkkins sure love their guns. There was a documentary on TV some time ago about the many and varied accents found in America. It also looked at how each of those accents are perceived. Meaning if you sound stupid are you really or not. In Boston there is Brahmin dialect and Southie. The one time i was in Boston I spoke with a woman in the ladies bathroom. Heavy southie and I literally could not understand what she said. I asked her to repeat it and she said oh you're one who speaks proper english. WTF?? of course peopel with deep southern accents are perceived as really dumb. Sadly many live up to the hype. Up shot was if you want a good job or to be perceived as not dumb better to learn to speak well.

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