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This poem was written in 1869 in Ireland, during the Great Famine. Some good may come of this crisis we are in but it is up to us.

Surfpirate 9 Apr 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Iā€™m not sure of your source, but I trust Opera Winfrey: []

The source was a friend who sent it to me this morning, I have not fact checked the source but I do like the piece very much, regardless of the source. I think a lot of people have grown weary of the dialogue around the virus from politicians in the US and in the UK. Nice to see something positive for a change.

@Surfpirate definitely, there are lots of positives popping up. There is some stigma about talking about positives though, I think due to concern about the death toll/ friends and family the we have or will lose.
I should think some people enjoy spending more time in their family unit.
I definitely enjoy spending more time with my partner šŸ˜Š

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