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Anyone else ever been told “No you’re not” when coming out as atheist to your family? Blows my mind that they know what I am better than I do!

KendallHopkins 4 Apr 1

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Not quite, but my Mom probably thinks it.


Saying that to me is a bad idea. Those who have, learned to regret it, and not do it again.
I don't understand why anyone would tolerate being told that, by anyone.


Christian friends still tell me that now...after more than 30 years as an Atheist.


The common stupidity frequently voiced by such family members is: "You are just mad at God."

If I get mad at my boss, can I just stop believing in his existence, too? ?

@DonThiebaut No...usually you just have to kill those sums-ah-bitches. 🙂



In a similar line of thinking, I usually get the response of you will become religious when you get older. It's easy to be an atheist when you're young and healthy. Apparently I will be wanting god to save me when I'm closer to my death.




You could have said to them: "To you I am an atheist, to God I am a loyal democratic opposition"

IAS1 Level 5 May 10, 2018

Yup. I received the "that's impossible" response. "We are a christian family and you'd better get with the program" my mother said rather irritated on the phone.


That's funny. Well you gave them fair warning no point in arguing over yourself. You know best.


Yeah but they got the picture pretty quick.

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