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The truth about being on a ventilator - would you want that? []

Allamanda 8 Apr 5

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This is the stupidest thing I ve seen this week 😂
Who the hell wrote this 😂
A vent ain’t the road to terminal check out . I put folks on it and off it all the time for 22 years . What kinda stupid / terror article is this ?? After surgery , after trauma , and most recover just fine . Wow .


@Allamanda and ?

@Allamanda no worries . It doesn’t matter .
Vents are not the enemy or the extraordinary 😂 and definitely not a death sentence , the opposite . W c 19 , we approach w high flow first ( if we have the right rooms available for ), and vent is the last resort . People do recover . Within reason . If u have many other conditions , too much to try to adress in any article .
Yesterday I discharged 3 folks that were intubated 10 days ago Bcz of c 19. They are home w self monitoring and precautions and they are doing well .

@Allamanda never mind.


I hope by the time we have the next pandemic (I'd be surprised if we don't have another within ten years) technologies like this have developed far enough to make a difference: []

I mean remember it wasn't so long ago that the only option was an "iron lung".


Was on one for 2 days after surgery not pleasant but I'm still here

@Allamanda pulmonary compromise and pneumonia, many people who survived covid did so because they were on one

@bobwjr right ? Wtf !


Damn! If I get to the point of needing a ventilator I’d rather just check out. I’ve had a good life—I’d prefer to make room for younger people.

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