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Ever play "Geography?" What you do is say the name of a state, then the next person says a state beginning with the last letter of the previous state.

For example, if someone was to say "Maryland," I'd say "Depression"... that's the state I'm in.

Dyl1983 8 Apr 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Pretty sure it's called "Geography." Of course you could alter the game and make it "Geology" by naming different rocks ðŸĪŠ

lerlo Level 8 Apr 6, 2020

Maryland. d. Depression. n. New York. k. Knowledge. e. Estonia. a. And. d. Denmark. k. Kindness. s. Sierra Leone. e. Equal. l. Laos. s. Sympathy. ( Knowledge and kindness equal sympathy. )

Playing games is not just a way of passing the time, it is the best thing in life.


I hear that...hugs!

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