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So far the focus has been on the lungs, but COVID-19 appears to attack heart muscle tissue as well. []

p-nullifidian 8 Apr 6

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Good news for us congestive heart failure people! More freakin' winning........

So much winning! LOL!

Seriously, though, I hope you stay well.


Even if the virus didn't attack the heart muscle directly, wouldn't heart trouble still be a problem? I mean, the heart - like any muscle - relies on oxygenated blood!

Yes, but in some cases the lungs aren't in distress--that's the point of the article. One could be asymptomatic and still die of heart failure from a COVID-19 infection, and unless they were tested, post mortem, none would be the wiser.


That confirmed a suspicion I had from the start of the pandemic, and quite concerning that is.

A Jedhi you are.

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