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There was a time that I needed this. It helped me. Maybe you need it too.
Twelve ways to find inner peace:

Stop expecting that life and people should be different
Release grudges and resentments
Sit with your emotions (and embrace them)
Quit getting lost in the past or future
Be aware of your obsessive need to control
Embrace being dislikable
Let go of playing the martyr or victim
Forgive yourself (and therefore others)
Say goodbye to energy vampires
You don’t need to be “perfect” – stop that
Release the need to be right
Stop dwelling in the past (or future)

MissKathleen 9 Apr 7

Enjoy being online again!

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"Embrace being dislikable"
Done done and done

BAH Humbug!


WOW ! Thank you for this :
I'd like to add (if I may) :
Let's stop wasting time in self righteous and judgemental jeering at others and get on with our business of doing the best that we can for our greater community with the resources which we have.
PS: I read a lot of self righteous jeering here on which any fundamentalist christian could relate to.


If someone is self-tormented by expecting too much from things in life those Twelve Ways will help achieve inner peace. The Twelve Ways are Buddhist-like in that they teach us to let go and detach.

However, the Twelve Ways can also lead to complacency and lack of achievement. As always we need balance.

@MissKathleen I was thinking that progress/achievment usually starts with dissatisfaction and struggle.

@dare2dream If you will pardon my butting in, after I long struggle I personally found that for me that progress and achievement stem from coming to terms with what it is you personally "really" want out of life, as opposed to what society, family and tradition tell you that you should want.
I worked very hard for a lot of my life and ended up a company director, making good money and one day I woke up and realised the ONLY part of the job I like was providing security for my employees and that pushing for greater success, higher profits and less tax, was making me miserable.
When my wife became ill and needed full time care I quite and sold the business, and became her carer, in time I also took to caring for other aged members of the family too, and for the past ten years I have never been happier, nor felt more successful.
I progressed and I achieved by my own standards, make sure you also are doing that and I am guessing from you profile that you are.😊

@MissKathleen Thank you

@LenHazell53 Thanks for joining in, Len! I enjoyed reading your point of view.

I agree that service to others is meaningful and purposeful. I had to care for my dying wife too. (ALS, Lou Gehrig's).


Those are great. The one I have the most difficulty with is getting lost in the past or the future. Working on it.


Things that will give you inner peace if ypu practice them. 🙂 Have you noticed that there seems to be a vast gap between those that say "yes, I agree, that's right"and those that say nothing but put these things into practice?

@MissKathleen it is a bit confusing, but I was tired. I meant that it is a great list and that people should read it and do these things. Not just read the list and think, what a nice idea.

@MissKathleen fair enough!

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