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COVID-19 has jumped species at least twice: first to humans from bats, now from humans to big cats, just within the span of a few months. If the Coronavirus continues to jump species (any reason to suspect it won't?), we are in for a long battle.

p-nullifidian 8 Apr 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Certainly a dreadful thought, that it could be some time before the lethality of Covid-19 is diminished.


we don't know that it came from bats or even from a 'wet' meat market

There are several leading possibilities, as I read, including bats to pangolins to humans, so you are quite correct that we don't know which animal it came from, but there seems to be little debate that the virus originated in another species.

Whom are "we" and What do 'we' know?


I worry people will read this and start dumping pets in droves...our local humane society is not open for either take-in or adoption right now.

Pet Island seems to be a good solution. No? People have too many pets anyway. Especially the ones whom have them just to further disconnect from people in need. Im not going to go into the psychopathic carelessness and greed side of the whole pet area at this point.

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