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My thought for this morning. Advise for keyboard warriors.

If you disparage a persons intelligence because their opinion does not align with your own, you have made a rookie mistake in the arena of debate.

If your goal is to convince your correspondent of the correctness of your view, you have sabotaged your argument.
If that is not your goal and you are simply posturing, it comes across as a form of mental masturbation unworthy of consideration.

Smart debaters do not use ad hominems or attack their opponents character.

dumasarok 7 Apr 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Its not morning anymore. I should have read this sooner, since I love irony in the morning.


Tell that to the republicans and conservatives 😂😂😂

My post was intended to be non-partisan.

In my experience rude, condescending, arrogant, and generally nasty language is about equally distributed from both the far left and the far right of the political spectrum. There are few clean hands in this regard.

I place a high value on the polite exchange of ideas. It saddens me that so many people now defend incivility. Maybe it’s a generational thing, I’m pretty old


Unfortunately decades of Rush Limbaugh and his ilk have made it the new normal: "If you disagree with me, you're an idiot." Sigh. And not just coming from the right either.


I.r. Stop saying bad stuff about ourTrumpy!?


I find it amusing you made this long well thought out post about a serious subject that isn't at all sexual and the only tag the algorithm assigned to it is #masturbation

MsAl Level 8 Apr 15, 2020

So true. I wish more people would realize this especially in the political realm. I'm convinced of the importance of defeating trump but all I see online are Biden supporters actively trying to drive away Bernie supporters ( the majority of which are not trolls) and Democrats in general making it imposible for frustrated republicans (of which there are many) to forget their pride and come to the other side.

Same goes for insulting religious people when trying to convince them you are right. I have a bit less invested in this one because I don't care what they think if they aren't trying to enforce it on me.

I do find the language around talking about people with different backgrounds and beliefs to be distasteful. More in other social media sites than here. Definately not science based approach to convincing anyone, or a more inclusive open minded approach. Those are things atheists usually claim as qualities of atheism and I used to believe. I find it frustrating.

MsAl Level 8 Apr 15, 2020

@OwlInASack the thing is that bot all Republicans are conservatives. A very large portion of them are people who vote that way because the people around them do. That's how humans work. When you frame it as a war and put out there insults calling them and their loved ones ignorant it is actively convincing them to stay back rather than agree with you.

I personally find treating others with different opinions like that to be offensive and childish. That's not my argument though. My feelings don't matter all that much.

The point is that it is working against whatever cause you are arguing for rather than for it. In the case of politics It matters because things like climate change, judges, prison reform, gender issues exc are at stake
and should more important than egos.

If you put the ego aside and listen you will find points of agreement on almost any subject there is with almost any conservative.

If you only fight over the hard line that neither of you will change on you aren't helping anyway.

Also if you do manage to say something that "hits" you will almost never witness them change their mind and hear them admit it. That's not how people work. It would have to fester for a while and be combine with other stuff they see. As well as the minds of other people who see the post or here the conversation. Words you put out their sometimes matter when you don't know.

I write alot of posts on FB and some here and I don't always follow that because I am a ragey frustrated person. I do try though.


Who says we're trying to convince them of anything but thier low intellegence?

1of5 Level 8 Apr 15, 2020

If I take the time to put something out there its important enough to me that I think others should agree.

@MsAl well that's nice. What if they don't agree that it's importaint to them?

@1of5 Then I move on and talk to someone else who is more open to the concept.

@1of5 Also I try to remember that people have pride and wouldnt tell me even if I did get to them a bit.
If I don't treat them badly the words I use could be something that helps them come around later. If I'm a butthole it is more likely those words will prevent them from doing so.

It's a goal oriented approach and one must decide what the goal is. If the goal is to get the hard core conservative troll to admit you are right in that moment then that will obviously never happen. My goal is to move as many people as possible to my point of view.

@MsAl if it's the concept itself that's the issue then you've just immediately dismissed them, in your own passive aggressive way, as too stupid to "get" the concept.

Oh yes, my words carry so much meaning and weight that they'll stick with someone I disagree with forever and maybe, just possibly, convince them I was right later. Sorry, but I checked my ego before entering that door long ago.

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