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Well, I made someone’s naughty list today ! Look what showed up in the mail ! A CD!!!!! Mercy ! Plus a workbook.

Guess I can process my issues now 😜

Ohub 7 Apr 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Can you use the booklet for toilet paper? The CD will repel Garden predators.....they gotta be good for Something.......


Wow!! Aren't you special to receive such a gift!


The local religious lunatic was for a while in the habit of dropping God Mob CDs into my letter box.

I suspect that he is now gone to the Great Big Pulpit in the Sky.


Ugh. Can the CD be used for anything? Copied over, maybe? At least the pamphlet looks like it's recyclable.

Hey. Don't recycle repurpose, have you not heard how short of toilet paper the world is right now.

@Fernapple I have, yes - but I have also heard about the world's sewers becoming clogged by people flushing all manner of inappropriate things.

Maybe use it to line a litter box?

@AmyTheBruce And you can use the CD as a bird deterant in the garden.

@Fernapple Or a ninja-style throwing weapon! (A friend discovered this accidentally. Some blood was shed. He never did that again.)

But hey, if civil unrest follows the coronavirus, it might be handy.

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