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A bit of cheerful news about America. On May 27, the first manned rocket for a decade to be launched from US soil will head for the ISS.


Petter 9 Apr 17

Enjoy being online again!

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Yes, saw that! Go Elon?

Varn Level 8 Apr 18, 2020

The obstructionist republican fascist could not profit enough from the NASA efforts before, now they can overcharge us the Taxpayers for these space missions!!!

Funny the Politicians can not afford or provide food, PPE, and Healthcare, yet can afford $$Billions for a space mission which are not directly associated with the needs of this country except to pay Billionaires and their corporations over the top payments, while the rest of us are indentured to involuntary servitude to support the wealthy and their corporations wholesale!!!

It is great that we are putting a small group of highly trained technocrats to work on US soil!!!

Socialism for the rich and Capitalism for the poor?

I agree with of-the-mountain 100 percent.

Two threats to the entirety of Humanity are extinction via virus and extinction by meteor. Though Republicans play politics with our Space Program … it’s viability is necessary to protect us from one major threat.


It's about damn time. The US never should have put itself in the position of relying on the Russians. We should have had a viable replacement before retiring the shuttle program.

Not just space travel to the Russians. A major part of its manufacturing sector, not to mention technology.

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