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Sometimes I wonder what it is I have done that offends others.

Do you find any of the following to be issues in your life?

Not only was I blocked recently (from one of my favoritie people) but I was also called a dipshit by someone on a post when I asked what the fuck it meant.

I think I am guilty of all of these at times, or maybe together.

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Akfishlady 8 Apr 2

Enjoy being online again!

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I am guilty of several, especially sharing my opinion. I am really good at admitting I was wrong, and sometimes appologies don't come in a timely manner. I try to have a life and gotta work. And I've tasted shoe leather a few times. But this site is for sharing opinions. No one should be dismissive or disrespectful when you ask a question. I try to keep it all in perspective. No one will remember next week.

I was blocked on FB by someone I thought I was actual friends with because I disagreed with something she was promoting. I didn't insult her but pointed out she was using a very narrow point to make a vast claim but my comments clearly didn't fit her worldview. At this point in my life, I really don't care about getting blocked by people so wrapped up in their own, usually insecure worldview. Life is just too short.

@RonWilliam53 After the election I got blocked by several "acquaintances" who did not appreciate my worldview or opinions of the new president. When I challenged their gloating they got all huffy. I agree, life is too short, but the melt down was rather amusing.


No matter what we do or say, someone is ALWAYS offended! People need to grow up.


I stopped worrying about what other people think of me when I finally realized how rarely they do!!

I stole that from somewhere, can't remember where.

But really, odds are its all about them and has little to nothing to do with you. 🙂

@Akfishlady Norman is right

Excellent quote.

this is very true, I wish I had realized it when I was much younger. People are too involved with themselves to pay much attention to anybody else.


They are just jealous!

jeffy Level 7 Apr 2, 2018

Sorry that's happening. I still haven't blocked anyone yet even 2 racists and one red piller. I've just been ignoring them.


There are those here who, on occasion, do not express themselves at all clearly; I tend to ignore their posts or comments, but will sometimes ask for clarification. I try not to offend anyone and will apologize if I do, if warranted. But, it's not something I lose sleep or get upset over. If someone seems unreasonable to me, or even just seems to be offended by my being here, fuck 'em, I just block them. There is more than enough bullshit out there if one wants to roll around in it. I'm not on any crusades, or out to convince anyone of anything, they can take or leave what I say, I don't care.


None of the above?
This falls under "who knows?" Sometimes I am angry and don't even know why. Who knows who pissed in whose corn flakes on a certain morning.


I have found asking questions of clarification raise people's ire here. I don't know who has blocked me but someone accused me of an ad hominem attack when I simply tried to clarify who he was replying to since it didnt make sense to me. So I blocked them. HA also accused of trying to make someone feel stupid for asking another clarification. Sometimes there is no winning.

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