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267 Million Names And Phone Numbers Leaked Online — And They’re All From Facebook


FearlessFly 9 Apr 20

Enjoy being online again!

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So, when facebook continues to ask for my phone number, and I refuse to give it (not really giving a good dog-damn whether my account evaporates or not) … I’ve kept my number a tad more private..?

Or, when our Government suggests I provide them the routing code to my savings account … and I refuse, preferring (pulping trees into) paper … I’ve not handed out such info to ..anyone willing to purchase it when hacked..?

A Luddite to the end 😉

Varn Level 8 Apr 20, 2020

More private ? And you are on FB ? ROFL

Also, I'm pretty sure the gov't KNOWS about any interest-earning (income) account(s) that you (anyone) has. 😛

Your $1200 check will take (lots ? ) longer without direct-deposit (perhaps that matters little).

@FearlessFly It’s all a test - a test of the emergency stimulus bill. Had this been an actual emergency - I’d have forked over all relevant info to the station I’d been instructed to tune.. But, this is only a test ~


Old news from December. I never answer my phone unless the number is from someone I know. Anyone else can leave a message, most do not.


Data harvesting is big business. Probably best not to expect it to end soon!

. . . err, this isn't 'harvesting', it is 'hacking' 😛

@FearlessFly This is organised crime reaping the fruits of their investment!

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