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I have heard many religious people state that Atheists do not have moments of awe because they do not beleive in anything or find anything special or meaningful. I absolutely disagree and find myself in awe of our world all the time. What sort of things instill you with a sense of awe and wonder?

Trillion 3 Apr 2

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That's absurd, who hasn't seen a newborn baby, a sunset, the night sky and been struck with wonder and awe. On the other hand who gets awestruck by someone getting crucified, raped and murdered... appalled is more like it.


Space. There are also certain kinds of technology that leave me wonder struck, like the Large Hadron Collider, but space gets me every time.


The beliefs of theists are about the only thing that puts me in awe anymore.


Being curios like a child, nature created the world and it’s a far greater story then some omnipotent dude waving his hand... that actually leaves me uninspired and without aw because it’s bullshit.


we could start with nudibranchs and jumping spiders. there are a lot of other things that are awe inspiring. I don't have to look far

I love jumping spiders!

@Jnei I dance with Jumping Spider #7 when I need a pick me up if you have seen that on you tube

@btroje I have now! If you get face-to-face with a jumping spider and put your hands either side of your face and move them like a spider's pedipalps, they'll wave theirs back to try to communicate with you 🙂

@Jnei They are a trip when I run into them around here. Real easy to anthropomorphize them. I let them stay in my house and will move them to safe places

@btroje I think part of the reason they're so easy to anthropomorphise is that they seem to take an interest in us, too - I've never known another type of spider that does that.

@Jnei very, they look right at you with all those eyes. I think I heard one say "mommy" once
In my next career I think I will go into jumping spider optometry

@btroje One actually asked me if I wanted to go out for dinner once. We had a bit of an issue finding the right restaurant since spiders eat insects and I'm vegetarian, but we had a good time. Never really hit it off, if you know what I mean, but we remain good friends.

@Jnei at least you were open minded


That's nonsense!

The color of life faded away long before I became an Atheist.

. Just kidding, it's all amazing... all of it. The fact that we're here at all. The fact that we "know" we are here. The massive scale and sophistication of the universe, macro and micro! I do indulge dark humor, but I'm certainly not devoid of awe!


I think the awe (if not necessarily in the negative sense) is multiplied by this number: 99999999999999999999999999 - probably.


May things do in and out of our natural world?


Life by its very nature is awe-inspiring to me. The mystery and surprise in existence, in creativity, the beauty in the natural world.


On a mountain ridge, on my bike, looking out over the ocean. Paddling out while surfing and watching the next wave come in with dolphins surfing right at me, then disappearing 6 or 7 meters before they reach me. Hiking up a mountain path seeing hawks soaring on thermals a couple hundred feet above: all awesomeness, all things l have experienced and time and again found mind-blowing.

So, if that truly is what those people think, that it somehow requires a being that none of them has ever seen, or heard other than in their imagination, then that just further erodes any credibility they may claim.


Almost everything I have done has been because of the wow factor. I've been an avid amateur astronomer since 1947. Why? Because ... wow. Funny thing is, it hasn't lost any of its wow in all this time. Math because ... wow. Science in general and all disciplines ... big wow. Visiting with my grandchildren gives me that wow too. Everything this Universe offers is wow. They haven't a clue.


Religious people are in an emotional mindset. They think that everything should be taken through a passionate lens, so that everything is remembered, even when it's not relevant information, and this is not a rational way for a person to look after his or herself.

To illustrate, If someone's field is public service, should they care about science? Should someone in the field of science care about public service? Absolutely not.

Is everyone already meant for consideration? Absolutely not.

That being said, not everything should be considered awesome, for there to be a moment of awe.

I also don't know how these people are viewing human types, but single labels like "Atheist" don't really sort people out in a complete manner, anyway.


It varies from person to person... For me, the best experience to find myself in awe is the development of a project to completion. The process start from the cliche "if you can think it then it can be done". ( I am talking about tangible and feasible things, it could be something very simple or super complex, it doesn't matter). When you get to the deadline, the sense of accomplishment is just priceless to me. I have been conducting my personal and professional life this way for almost 40 years now, I have lots of good memories to take with me when I kick the bucket, didn't need any God for any of that.


It is noteable that the belivers state things that they belive about atheists but without any credentials to do so.


Well, every time I watch a science special that covers astronomical things I am in total awe. Some of these objects, like black holes and gamma ray bursts defy imagination. The vast distances involved, the energy these things generate.

Nature is also incredibly fascinating as are the timescales involved when you think about evolution. Massive weather events like hurricanes and major storms are fascinating and terrifying. Volcanism, earthquakes. Plenty to be in awe of.

The technological progress of mankind you utterly have to be in awe of. Who could watch the various SpaceX launches and touchdown landings and not be awed by that?

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