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‘Hydrogen-On-Tap’ Device Turns Trucks Into Fuel-Efficient Vehicles
An Indiana startup is retrofitting five pickup trucks with its novel hydrogen-producing system


FearlessFly 9 May 1

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Interesting that there’s no Mention of cost of operation. Are they paying 100 bucks to save 30 bucks in gas ?


It sounds interesting. Are they basically burning aluminum? It takes a lot of energy to make aluminum. There’s no free lunch with chemical reactions.

Agree, and Internal Combustion Engines are inefficient, in cars generally less than 25%, whether the fuel is gasoline or hydrogen. On the other hand, battery electric tend to be more than 90% efficient.

There was no scientific discussion about efficiency in that article. That Spectrum published that article shows a level of political/religious corruption in the IEEE that has been anti-science since Darwin.

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