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Whoa. A few hours ago I heard the news my fathers pastor completed suicide. His daughter is all over FB saying how he is in heaven with her mom. I knew this man since I was a young child. He often visited our home.

My sister said "He was always god this god that. I'd never had thought he'd be one to do it. If he really believed all of it he wouldn't have killed himself. I don't believe in heaven or hell."

This is the first time she's said anything of the sort! Suicide is THE reason I'm an atheist. I told her this. She didn't say much else. I wonder if it will sway any others.

soulless 7 May 8

Enjoy being online again!

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I don't get it... "If he really believed all of it he wouldn't have killed himself."

I'm pretty certain if many Christians truly believed in the after life they would commit suicide in droves just like in that recent TV show on the subject. Sure some religions inserted some rules in their rule books to try and prevent that but mostly it is pretty clear it was just a cheap shot to keep the flock under control and compliant. There's no way way out - pay your tithe and don't complain!

Most christian theology forbids suicide. It is usually termed self murder, and deemed to be against the, "thou shalt not kill," commandment. Some christian sects, including I think, Roman Catholic, consider it to be the worst of all sins, because the suicide can not repent before death. Dante had a special circle of hell reserved for suicides.


That's a shame when anyone is so desperate that they take their own life.


"Gone to glory." Maybe you and your sister can REALLY do some sharing now! I hope so.

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