8 4

Yuck. The misogyny.

1EarthLovingGal 7 May 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Guessing he's going to be "pulling" himself for the rest of his life.


Alexander Cain paranoid survivalist xian predicting xian Putin will destroy all USA electronics with a single EMP detonation high above USA....makes this xian rapist trap for women seem tame


That post is wrong in so many ways. Let's turn it around and say "Women, if you're not saving him from Jesus, he's still blind."


Well, isn't that special.......


I've heard of the proverbial "come to jesus" moment, but I suspect this guy's thing is "cum for jesus"?

I was just struck by the obvious solution, she needs to consult a misogynecologist.


Misogyny pure and simple

bobwjr Level 10 May 12, 2020

866 misonygistic likes, If he is local you need to make a list so you can avoid all those idiots.

@1EarthLovingGal I hope she was complaining about it.

@1EarthLovingGal Here send him this....

@1EarthLovingGal LOL I tried to send it on Twitter but it appears his account was terminated....

@1EarthLovingGal I just took that screenshot his account does not exist anymore on Twitter....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz It couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

@Lorajay The only question is did he get killed off by Twitter for being an asshole or did people troll him for being one so much he cancelled his own account crying like a butthurt monkey boy?...



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