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There was a time when I never put my photograph up on a dating site or the internet. People sadly are very judgemental simply based upon a persons looks and even though I frequently fall into that same behaviour, particularly when looking for a companion, the situation annoyed me. I could write pages about "who I am" and judgement would still be made simply based upon that photograph. Eventually I published the following and I'm sure that many have felt similarly.

So please share your thoughts, or better reasons for not having a photo, about photo judgements and as occurs on some sites the equivalent of the thumb up/ thumb down, swipe left/ right, live or die reactions.

10 reasons for not having selfies:

  1. Camera vibrates itself off the table at the suggestion
  2. Lens of camera cracks
  3. Camera app has epileptic fits when it sees my face
  4. Interpol warrant still active
  5. Plastic surgeons still suing for copyright royalties
  6. Tax office still searching
  7. Former lovers still stalking
  8. Bastard children still chasing paternity orders
  9. Landlord wants to serve papers in order to be able to send the bum bailiffs in

10. It is none of your business what I look like - take me for my intelligence, abilities, knowledge, expressions, body condition, desires and state of health or stop playing games: simply get out of my life!

FrayedBear 9 Apr 3

Enjoy being online again!

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No. 10 is a real rant & rave. Someone gave her a hard time.
It's still better to see who your talking to. First impressions are very important.

No @JackMichaelson it's telling what life is. If you can't be bothered going to my page to educate yourself by following links to my page, my posts and comments to correct your ignorance and projected mysogeny then I suggest that you simply go to Pornhub and play with yourself.
I'm not interested 'mate' in your "first impressions". I wonder how long your carried "first impressions" of clerics and priests not being perverted pedophiles has lasted.


@FrayedBear the love of my life was the last person I expected to be with he was not my type at all, although I'm not sure what my type was really. However the most attractive thing in the world is confidence someone clearly loving being themselves.


If you really must explain then I would go for the interpol Warrant still active

Written tongue in cheek. As you can see if you wish I have a genuine photo. ?????


My position is simple. My appearance is what it is. If you don't like it, fuck off, I've other things to do. I have never been one who likes to have pictures taken featuring moi. What pictures there are have been taken as candid shots, except those with the grandkids and the one on my profile that the publisher insisted upon.

Quite agree. I don't have mirrors apart from the shaving mirror and you seem to have solved that one. My beard looks like my mustache fell off my upper lip and the mo. took 30 years to grow.


Oh, I have to fancy someone and it's nice to know who you're talking too.

And what will you do Leigh when you are blind? Have you not heard of photoshopping?

maybe I don't care


This is a tough one.

I have come to believe that there is someone for every body type. Hiding your looks only asks for that moment when they see you and are disappointed. IF you put your photo up (and I suggest no less than three) then there is no opportunity because those who don't appreciate a particular body type will gravitate away.

Anyone who makes a judgemental comment about you, has just advertised, loudly, that they aren't for you... or anyone, in my opinion.

I say this because I have met guys who like women who are big, who are skinny, who are somewhere in the middle, tall, short, or middle ground, same goes for age. I had a friend in the mlitary who dated a women at least 20 years his senior, no, he was not scamming her, nor her him, both seemed to be having a great time and while -I- didn't understand it... I had to walk away from the vicarious experience thinking "to each his own" and, eventually (I had to mature, this was the military after all) "they are happy, so be it."

I had a friend in college who made derogatory remarks about women because they were what some consider ideal: very slim. Honestly, I was never impressed with Twiggy when I was young and that left a lasting impression on me. I was similarly NOT attracted to Mama Cass, but many were.

Why do I go there? I have come to believe that there are people who love every niche of people. We see it all the time when we see very happy but odd couples.

Unfortunately, some of us guys identify as 'shallow hals' (I am one). I actually don't like that about me but, there you have it. Despite this, I have 'warmed up' to someone when I got to know them despite their not being anything like what I thought was my ideal... my wife chief among them. She was NOTHING like the little picture I had in my mind of my idea woman... and I loved her. However, she was not very thin, nor very big. She was well within what I'd call 'my norms' just the opposite of some of the particulars I'd thought to search for.

Again, why am I going there? Dating sites are places where we try to streamline finding that perfect, or at least somewhat optimal, someone to give a relationship a go. IF you meet someone and they talk a good game, and you two click without ever seeing each other (or one not the other) you are increasing the chances for disaster and hurt. What if one of the two doesn't realize they ARE a shallow hal? What if they convince themselves that they are ok with an intellectual attachment and find out, the hard way, they aren't. By at least giving them a picture, you can say "sure, why not?"

IN PERSON, you can warm up to each other, get to know each other. You might find that you warm up to that person that you didn't want to be anything more than friends with because they didn't fit your physical ideals... it's really hard to do that through a web site. Why? You can't hear their voice, the rhythm of their speech, when they trip, or hesitate in speech (which communicates things), do they use their hands? Hell, what do they smell like?

Oh, and here is another horrid twist: a couple (friends) sent me a picture of a coworker they wanted to hook me up with. Her picture... let's just say I wasn't keen on pursuing. I met her in real life and just about fell over myself. Some of us photo well. Some do NOT. I, for one, have learned to take those photos with a HUGE grain of salt because of that experience. However, I still say have photos.

For me, if you are so shy, so worried that you won't show a photo, then I am not sure I want to be with someone who is THAT reticent and introverted. For the record: my wife was incredibly shy, and we made it work. I think she would've put a photo up though, because she would've seen it as increasing the chances for success. I like to think she'd've seen the jerks as simply saying "I am NOT for you" versus taking the insults to heart.

I advocate a combination of picture, at least three of some combination from group 1 and 2:

1: formal, casual, out on the town
2: head shot, full body shot, head and shoulders

Oh, and I walk past women who crop their own heads off to emphasis their busts. That is another kind of message and I am not interested in a woman who is so very focused that way either. ALL formal shots don't give me a chance to see you "in the wild" as it were, with your hair down. Also, all formal, or all one format, could be photos lifted from somewhere (signs of a scammer). One single photo, not enough information (in my experience, too often a scammer who lifted a photo and ran with it).

I am going long again, sorry: If someone is insulting your looks, they are revealing more about themselves than they are about you. I have met some gorgeous women from all walks of (physical) life and have thought many of them were just hot... and it was the ones who just said "hell with you, this is who I am" who really stood out. Don't take the bull shit, own who you are, advertise who you are and hold your head high.

Good luck. 🙂

Comprehensively covering many points. I totally agree with you that 100% seeming compatibility can be lost on meeting embracing and inhaling. I had to smile at the suit suggestion - mine have been feeding the moths for the last 25 years! And ties are for holding up rose bushes these days. ?
Thanks again.

Lol. I note that you are a "Do as I say not a do as as I do person" but perhaps you do not own a suit or have recently had someone available to take an outdoor photograph.
I was saddened to read of your being a widower. I offer for your consideration a few lines of verse that have been a comfort for me for nearly 25 years:

How many mountains, how many rivers
Are still to be crossed before I gain
The land where solitude comes to an end?
Today, as ever, I travel on.
Bokusui Wakayama

@FrayedBear My lack of photos is more for not being into Selfies, and for having not figured out how to transfer them from my phone to my computer. Which is sad because I am a tech guy but this isn't my bag. I put pretty much all of the photos I have access to here.

However, your point is taken and strikes true. I DO have a suit photo, somewhere, from a recent interview and I think I can steal it from FB and put it here.

Oh, another part of this is that I don't particularly think of myself as photogenic.

Thank you for the thoughts and the poetry.

There fixed. Found my interview selfie and added it, as well as a candid photo from my old home and another professional photo of me. Some are not exactly new but they are very representative of the current 'me' so, shouldn't be an issue... I did not see a ready way to comment on them (back to digging) to let folks know which are new and which aren't.

Oddly, I don't see this as a dating site. I know it is, but for some reason I just enjoy the community and.. haven't really reached out much. I HAVE contacted one person directly but we just don't chat... 😟

@Gnarloc As we used to say in Lancashire "Ee lad, tha scrubs up reet nice wi' suit and tie on." Down here in Australia life is very informal and it is usually the scruffy lean bloke at the bar with his dusty patched and worn shorts, battered hat and fawn coloured shirt who is usually the millionaire, not the bloke in the suit and tie.
Re poetry - I rarely get feedback thank you. Poetry in my case is a complement to "Traditional and Folkmusic"

wow @Gnarloc great response


I am terrible at taking selfies and hate 99 percent of all pictures of me. I have Body Dysmorphic Disorder, so my brain makes me think I'm hideous--doesn't help that I was called ugly all through school.

Unfortunately, I realise folks don't trust an account that hasn't got at least a semi-recent picture. ?

I have had several telephone relationships where it has been totally irrelevant as to what the other person looks like. This included one dying of cancer who only revealed herself two months before she died.


I could not possibly agree with you any more!!!!
Especially about the Interpol thing. Those buggers never give up!!!

Lol. If they get me they'll get you - cell mates? ??????

@FrayedBear No worries! I've had worse! LOL

@KKGator I'm sure you have. LMAO


ok @Frayed Bear imagine you've been talking to someone for 2 months and decide to meet them. You get on a plane - change planes and fly forover 6 hours. You get off your plane to meet your new friend at baggage claim and a stranger walks up to you that looks nothing like the pic he posted on We need a current pic.

I say a profile of pics. Having a pic or two that are 'dated' is fine. But DO have a current one in the bunch and make sure to advertise that this is the current one.

Even worse IMO are the photoshops with no wrinkles, 30 kilos shaved off and ... there is a wonderful song about an elderly woman who finds a burglar in her bedroom. Grabbing her shotgun she makes him an offer - "suck the barrel whilst I pull the trigger or make love to me". "OK he says, I'll make love". So she instructs him to take his clothes off which she then locks in the cupboard before putting the shotgun down handily and she undresses herself.

He watches with growing horror as she takes off the padded bra, the wig of flowing red hair, unscrews her leg, takes out her dentures, removes her mirkin and prosthetic hand ... "for god's sake shoot me " he screams...?


Undercover agent

Really big head, really short arms?


???????????Big feet?

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