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When you post something on the internet or on this platform for that matter, and someone starts attacking and criticizing your person and NOT much your views and opinions, I always see the evidence in that of the mentally corrupt state that person has using personal attacks in stead if arguments! What are your thoughts and experiences on that?

PabloNeruda 6 May 18

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I would agree, a lazy persons way to try to disarm you or attempt to be on the offensive putting you on defensive if and only if you don't see through it. I don't bother with those people. They have no interest in learning a new perspective or finding other views interesting to try on. I think what people say and do is about them and how I react is about me, so I guess I try to keep my side with integrity and respect and see no point in critiquing theirs.


Agreed, and hopefully others view those looking to demean, more than add content, in the same way. It’s weird, and painful to witness. Most appear to be hurting, angry, or frustrated with ‘the way things are’ … but they more so feed into it with personal attacks.. Most go away, mad 😕

Varn Level 8 May 19, 2020

well being frustrated in these times is easy. Both sides are corrupt and voting the lesser of 2 evils keeps the corruption and the status quo. humoring the public in their carefully worded bullshit.

@gigihein One side is corrupt, the other is merely tainted by proximity.. Furthering the myth that ‘both sides are corrupt’ is what keeps the bad side in charge; and that’s why they promote it. Voter apathy and a demand for purity leaves one party marching.. and the other limping...

@Varn I hope you are right. I see both parties on the take. and money is addicting, they bnb OJ te for their donors more than constiuents. But to say all is always an over reaction. My bad

@gigihein To stay the least bit competitive the losing party has to beg.. I’ve worked on campaigns, and helped recruit candidates; the begging nearly kills the Dems. Whereas the R’s are usually buried by donations from business and the wealthy … with the caveat - they cut regulations and taxes at every opportunity..

With most of the money, and never-ending campaigns.. the Republican machine amplifies any Democratic discrepancy to a level that nearly matches all republican misdeeds. It’s always portrayed as ‘both being equal,’ when in reality, it’s not even close..

@Varn I hardly see them as equal. I just think taking money is out of control. But the Republicans are revolting. Using religion, immigrants and sucking up to a man I am sure most don't like is just not doing their job.

@gigihein I am still dumbfounded by how every (fuckin) Republican fell in line for fear of trump. “Never trump” ...and the tuff-talking R’s supposedly ready to take him on. And not even a Primary contender?! Not one Republican could take that POS on - or out?

Actually, they’re victims of their ‘own success,’ or, that of the ‘koch bros’... the Republican party is so controlled by radicals that a moderate can’t get past their primaries. I well remember the moderate Republicans, respected, even voted for some (way back) ...they’re gone, or mute..

Secretly, most political R’s are disgusted by trump ..but very, very secretly 😕

@Varn They are gutless and sold their fracking soul.


Those attacks come mostly from unreasonable folks when their proper rhetoric fails. It is very much a sign of a mind devoid of salient thoughts. And that’s not a mind worth conversing with.


Some people seemingly go looking for arguments and never shut the hell up about their opinion or position. That’s when ad hominem attacks tend to turn up — because nothing else gets through. It’s a response of frustration.

I’m not on here for debate. I share my point, you share yours, move the heck on. And now show me some kitty memes.

@Fred_Snerd You’re one of the main people I had in mind when writing about people who won’t shut up. Cheers.

I think opposite. Personal attacks come from mostly from those who know their ideas are defeated but lack the internal integrity to admit it.

@JacobMeyers Yes, sometimes. Could be more than one reason for it.

@Apunzelle you’re right. Human social moraz are too dam complicated.

@JacobMeyers What pissed me off about this Fred_Snerd fellow is that I was answering someone’s post about something totally unrelated (I think it was what will you not accept in a partner), and he starts preaching to me over and over about why marijuana should be legal. I honestly DGAF. He somehow singled me out to attack with his views. So he deserved ad hominem in my eyes. (And maybe he needed a joint to chill.) 😂

@Apunzelle that’s understandable. I guess my main views on the matter revolve around conversation and argument. When someone is just being a dick an ad hominem attack is appropriate enough.

@Apunzelle 😂


If someone posts something so obviously stupid and dangerous I will attack them personally. At 72 I know as Ron White said,"You can't fix stupid". So you can lay out a reasonable argument with facts and it really doesn't matter, so I get very base and go after them. It is something they understand and it feels good because they are never smart enough to come up with good come backs. They eventually get frustrated and pissed off, as the stupid are want to do. It is very satisfying.

That sounds like mutual masterbation that would leave me on the dry side. Why bother, just seems to add no value to you or them.

@gigihein There is nothing on TV and mutual masterbation can be fun. Except with another guy. Not that there is anything wrong with that. 🙂

@Sticks48 Hey I agree, but was referencing being satisfied in pissing contest with someone. It doesnt do it for me.. And takes time away from more satisfying ventures

@gigihein When l do go there it is because l do find it satisfying. Sometimes l just like to fuck with people just to see their reaction. 🙄

@Sticks48 I do that at work sometimes. Not in a mean way, just to break the monotony. most accept the younger ones are super conservative, so nice waking them up. One young woman I really like one day asked if I was gay. I said, notbyet, why? She is in her 20s. She said you have the NYC gay pride parade poster in your office. I told her I got it in a training and thought I would shake things up. that kind of stuff is fun.


People often resort to ad hominem attacks, sometimes without realizing they're off topic. It's common. I suggest gently calling it out when you encounter it and quickly moving on.

Good plan, that way they ould discover one word misunderstood, set them off. what does it harm to be generous, every one can have a bad day or just be a bit off!


It is often just an admission that they know they can not win the argument. In which case you can ask yourself if you are wrong, or admit that you lack the skills needed to argue at that level even if not wrong, but some people find those things hard to do, perhaps because they were taught that there is no forgiveness for falling short. At which point they can either run or resort to weapons, insults included.

@Fred_Snerd Glad you enjoyed the irony in it. Though it was not intended as ironic, merely to point up that people who are bullied, especially in childhood and especially by parents and teachers, often grow up believing that nothing short of perfection is permitted, and that feeling often has very destructive effects on their self esteem and social skills.


That is the ad hominem logical fallacy :



Yes, I take it as an indication that they really have not arrived at their position using reason, but have just taken up a tribal identity.

skado Level 9 May 18, 2020

There seems to be more of that, I don't experience it in my personal life much, but in the news and everywhere else.


often indicates desperation.

@Fred_Snerd I'm still learning that one apparently. especially when it's kind of a recurring theme with the same member. 🤣

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