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I'm being inundated with posts where people want to impose restrictions on Congress with a constitutional convention. My response to this has always been not no but hell no because - The extra privileges you listed for Congress are not part of our constitution but instead laws Congress has imposed. I think a constitutional convention would be a playground for the richest people in our country to truly take over our democracy completely. I do not think we are organized enough to benefit from a constitutional convention.

Do you favor or oppose a constitutional convention?

Lorajay 9 May 24

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I think you're right. Check who is for it. Then see if they are just fronts or shills for who is REALLY behind it. Then decide.


I totally and thoroughly agree. It is a Republican strategy to fundamentally change our democracy into something resembling a theocratic oligarchy.


Under current political conditions opening the Constitution would totally lead to the end of the American democratic dream as we know it. You’re right, the Conservative Wealth would move heaven and earth (just an expression, don’t panic) to give themselves more power and reduce the power of the people. We need a fair court to make evenhanded decisions, a Congress that cares more about the future of the country than their wallet and a president instead of a wannabe king.


I agree with you.


Nothing more dramatically demonstrates the true nature of our government as a federation of states than the possibility of a constitutional convention. Such a convention could do whatever it wanted, no holds barred. It could totally scrap the constitution. It could vote to disband.

Don’t like the electoral college system? Then you certainly wouldn’t like a constitutional convention, where each state would have exactly one vote.

Possible outcomes:

A balanced budget requirement
Drastic reduction in federal power
Elimination of various federal agencies
Prohibition of federal involvement in abortion and gay rights
Who knows what else?

A part of me would love to see a convention, but I fear the turmoil that might follow.


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