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What is better than sex?

Redcupcoffee 7 Apr 4

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119 comments (76 - 100)

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Sex with promise of more sex afterward. And then waffles.


Stumped me, I give up


Flying trapeze.


Sleeping in late, a really good cup of coffee, shopping, eating a great meal.....many things


I went ice boating a couple of times. It was such a gas I would consider it at least a strong contender.


Laying and talking about it?


Running out to get some well-deserved lunch with your honey afterwards 😉


Intimacy and Red Lobster cheese biscuits

never had Red Lobster anything as yet. Shall I try it?I am a man, dammit. Men always cum. Sometimes CUM, but always at least cum. So cheese biscuits are probably - as I have never tried them, yet - just second best. Next time we meet, remind me to bring some.

Cheddar Biscuits are da bomb!!!!


I am 61 years old. In 1983 I was living in a 1 bedroom apartment with my son. My wife had left me. I worked at night so I would sleep on the couch while my son watched tv or played with a neighbor to keep him in sight. One day he was watching the Three Stooges and Curly was caring clam soup, the clam was squirting soup in his face. My 2 year old son was hysterical, he said there was a frog in the soup. That was better than sex.


Nothing. Until immediately after, of course. ?


Nothing ...


Snorkelling stoned in warm water on a sunny day in the caribean


Nothing....with the right person.


Genuine applause from an appreciative audience


Non commercial massage is amazing but always leads to.........Straight up massages are amazing but leave you wanting.


Whipped cream, strawberries, and chocolate syrup during sex!

ebdb Level 7 Apr 6, 2018

A threesome during.

Ah! but which way?


The feeling of exticy and intamicy after sex


Better than the actual sex? The lead in and the lead out. Not to mention the pleasure of giving pleasure.

I'd consider that part of sex 😉


Being drunk. It lasts longer, more people can be involved, rather inexpensive, and always satisfying until you wrap your Camry around a poorly placed tree. Plus getting drunk gives you a better shot at having sex if you survive the accident but then again in nine months you might have to name another one.


Drunk sex. But that's hard for me. I indulge in both with scary frequency. If alcohol is not inside me, or I'm not inside someone, I feel like I'm doing something wrong.


Opera! Well, it's better than bad Sex and some Opera comes close to good Sex. Best not to risk it and combine the two!


Lots and lots of things in life are better than sex. A really good curry. My yarn stash. Snuggling my kids. Chocolate. A day at the beach. Being in love.



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