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Hi all,
Haven't been here in forever. Work has been insane then we got locked down and suddenly every single lesson we'd developed had to be available online. (Imagine teaching injection techniques online!) So Work got insaner! Then I started two weeks leave and partner fell downstairs and broke his tibia fibula and patella! So since then its been back to basic nursing for me..emptying commode pans and moping fevered brows! I realised today how incredibly lonely I am. My children are all grown up, Haven't seen my youngest in months, I miss my daft colleagues and really miss the students. We all need each so much, I wish we could all realise this. Anyway hope you are all coping ok? My love to all Jayne

Amisja 8 May 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Aha, wondered what happened to you but as you couldn't say I didn't bother wasting time as I had my own emergencies thanks to the rachmanistic agents of my landlord - supposedly caring women working for a god bothering organisation.
And you wonder why you feel lonely? Loneliness is merely a state of mind. Perhaps when it reaches screaming claustrophobic proportions you will learn that only you control it.
Be safe.


So glad to have you back. I started the Zoom Rooms to get through this. Good healing to your partner.


Great to hear from you, yay ! 😀
Awful news about your partner 😱. Don't worry about the kids, they will get there. I have one living with us and have come as close to killing my own offspring as I am ever likely to be.
Rest of the world is slowly working its way back to a new normal. See you there. 😘

Tilia Level 7 May 30, 2020

Hi. Good to see a post from you. Bad to read the news in it!
Best wishes for your partner's recovery. Next time try to avoid pushing him so hard. 😋😋


Here and there are zoom meetings of members. It’s really helping me feel less isolated, though I don’t say much. Shy Southern flower that I am lol.
I hope your partner is healing: I’ve had a fx tibia: OUCH.
Hang in there!


This too will pass. It does not matter if you can not see the light at the end of the tunnel, if you keep going forward you always come to the other side of the mountain. Sorry metaphors are all I have to offer.

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