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How many of you consider yourselves to be minorities? Do you fear what could happen if this gets out of hand? (not that it hasn't already)

  • 2 votes
  • 1 vote
PondartIncbendog 8 June 4

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Next time, identify the minority.
No, because my ancestors spoke a language that almost became America’s language.
Yes, because I’m an atheist and when relevant I volunteer that info.
I didn’t vote. Guten tag.

I was vague on purpose. I wanted you to identify the minority.


I choose to not believe that.

Yeah I didn’t vote for the same reason



bobwjr Level 10 June 5, 2020

I do also


No, but two of my kids are, and more than half of my friends, and we already live in fear. One never forgets one is a minority in the US.


I do .


Minorities are always in fear in the U.S

lerlo Level 8 June 4, 2020
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